How much for Zara's Pics? Liz Zara, the new face of Triumph, is Popular among blogs: Why? The Laws of Supply and Demand

Counting the blogs and web sites that mention Liz Zara's Pictures published by Yung Photography

The laws of supply and demand: If you have a hot product and you control its release, there'll be a high demand for it. Such is true with the pictures of California model, Liza Zara. Yung Photography has the copyright of the two pictures that most sites and blogs have. Whether they are using them with or without permission is another question. The studio will have to ask them to cease and decease. Which blog or web site will be lucky enough to be spared a picture?

It will be interesting to watch the blog that will have the picture on for the longest time. Now the ball is on the audience's hands. If you want to see her picture, the picture of one of our California models, you know what to do. Descend en masse to Yung Photography. If you truly need her pictures, you'll fork over some green backs for them. Hey, after all they little guy or girl has to make some money!

In the meantime, here are some sites and blogs that still have the pictures of this rare California product. (You can always check Yung Photography for more state of the art pics)

The scarcity strategically created by the agency is creating confusion and eating up at those who like posting the latest fashion news on their sites and blogs. We feel your pain. That explains the high demand for her pics.











How much can a Liz Zara's Photo Fetch? The Public Sets the Price

Liz Zara has taken the modeling industry by surprise. We, Californians, are proud of her modeling skills. The huge lingerie, Intimate and underwear companies of the world need to start paying attention and looking at the West Coast. They'll find the best models in the world in this sun-drenched paradise. Californian models are born and then made. Just go to any beach, you'll see many aspiring models who are just waiting for the next contract. Come on, designers, marketing heads and store owners, come to California to find what you were looking for. Liz Zara is a good example to many young women who know they "get it." They can do it only if they are given an opportunity. Let's not forget about our male models who are the surfing kind.


Yung Photography owns the copyright of this picture. If you want to see Liz, check their website. If you want to help promote Liz's works, let us know. We don't charge you or any models to do so. In case Yung Photography wants us to help them promote her, we'll be available. Good luck, Liz!

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