Syahrini known as the new vocalist. Album of the second child of three brothers is released in 2008 with the feature MY LOVELY. Syahrini, who was born in Bogor 1 August 1982, has Bohong of the songs on the album MY LOVELY.
Before the release the album MY LOVELY, Syahrini, graduate from law degree the University of Pakuan Bogor, have joined in the album compilation COKLAT STROBERI movie with the title track Tatapan Cinta.
Successful inaugural debut album,Syahrini will release both albums in May 2009 . However, the single, Pusing Setengah Mati will first released in May 2009. Different from the previous album, Pusing Setengah Mati is the Syahrini own creation.
Before the release the album MY LOVELY, Syahrini, graduate from law degree the University of Pakuan Bogor, have joined in the album compilation COKLAT STROBERI movie with the title track Tatapan Cinta.
Successful inaugural debut album,Syahrini will release both albums in May 2009 . However, the single, Pusing Setengah Mati will first released in May 2009. Different from the previous album, Pusing Setengah Mati is the Syahrini own creation.

Syahrini known as new comer singer. second child principal album from this three sister is launch at year 2008 with title MY LOVELY. Syahrini is born at bogor, 1 august 1982 rely on song title Bohong from album MY LOVELY.

Before he launch album MY LOVELY, Syahrini has merge into brown film compilation COKLAT STROBERI album song with title Tatapan Cinta.
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