New Underwear, New You?

Submitted By: C. Deveraux

Men, has it dawned on you yet that your gender has entered into a new age of manliness? For decades, women have been nurturing their feminity, tuning it up and exploring their boundaries. Men have responded like the sensitive beings they actually are, with subtle changes of their own.

All of these changes add up to a new and welcome confidence for both women and men. Just as women have new freedoms to express themselves in different, more expansive ways, men have also shrugged off much social conditioning. In fact, when it comes to boundaries, they are expanding faster than we can even notice.

Did your dad say things like, “I’m a boxer kind of guy,” and wear only button-down collars? It’s a safe bet that you, like millions of men, are branching out, and having a great time exploring while you’re at it.

Take men’s underwear, for example. There’s so much to choose from, it makes your head spin. The men’s Athletic Underwear category alone offers a multitude of choices in designs, from thick-pouched jock straps to high-fashion fly-front briefs designed that literally show you off to the max. Hard cups, soft cups, compression shorts and suspensory jock straps comprise just the top echelon of your athletic underwear selections.

But let’s talk about the old standby in mens underwear: Boxer shorts. Nothing beats them for sheer hanging around comfort. But have you checked out the new spinoffs? Men’s Boxers come in various fabrics and different styles too. For example, the Calvin Klein “pima cotton boxer” is different from their “lounge knit boxer,” and so are their “boxer briefs,” “calvin klein bottoms” and “hip briefs.” All very distinct! All very cool!

The fact is, Calvin Klein has been the industry standard since 1982, when they exploded on the designer fashion scene. If you haven’t taken a look at the incredible array Calvin Klein underwear has to offer, you’re missing more than a fashion statement. You’re missing an opportunity to explore who you are… at your most basic, your most natural.

Oh, I know all about this subject, you quip. Do you? Do you know the difference between a bikini brief and a hip brief? Between a body thong and a Calvin Klein “Pro Stretch Jock Strap?” Do you care? If you don’t, you should. Your partner cares, so why shouldn’t you?

The only thing sexier than mens underwear is womens underwear, right? If you believe that, you’re about fifty percent wrong, and you’re probably a guy. Maybe you’re the kind of guy who enjoys his routines. Could be you’ve never even tried on some sexy men’s thongs or even—gasp—a sexy g-string. Maybe now’s the time?

You could find a sexy new you… just by changing your style of underwear! Who knows where you might go from there?

About the Author:

Carl Deveraux is a freelance editor for Men's Underwear. Read more and find great deals and discounts on Men's Underwear products at

Article Tags: boxer, underwear, youre

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